Solidarity support to poor working people

Recently, (September,2021) Bangladesh AnarchoSyndicalist Federation - BASF provided solidarity assistances to one hundred fifty Tea plantation  poor working families  specially,  those who are lost their family members and profoundly infected by Covid-19. so far basf lost its 8 comrades by corona virus attack. at the moment they are getting  very low wage between 116 and 120 Taka per day (between (€ 1.15 and € 1.19 per day.) Although, Yet unions/BASF estimate that to live decently, this salary should be at least 300 Taka (2.97 euros) plus free accommodation and holiday leave equivalent to two months' salary.

it’s a common phenomenon that COVID-19 are NOT only killing people it is also destroying the livelihoods of working community. Many people lost their jobs and lives. A big number of families are lost their only earning member around us, they leave behind their jobless partners and children and elderly mother and father.

BASF at the beginning of Covid-19 attack distributed among 2000+ members hand washing soap, washable face masks among its poor working members, which was very useful for them.

BASF as a social progressive workers federation, working in the north eastern part of Bangladesh striving to change the whole structure of society through abolition of capitalism & stateism, All kinds of hierarchy and authoritative administration   and establish an autonomous federative society with people’s mandate to bring total peace, prosperity and full freedom of human spices.

BASF belive that Capitalism and Imperialism is the main causes of our problems, e.g. Heath, social, and politico-cultural problem and so forth. Which engulfed total humanity, Without Anarcho-socialism human will not be free. NOW, BASF act as torch bearer.

BASF strongly believe that Capitalism and Imperialism is an international ideology in  its nature, so our struggle must be as international in manner. so that BASF connected with other likeminded and same path walkers  organizations/groups/ and parties at global level. BASF connected with IWA-AIT/ASF etc.

Long Live Revolution! All powers to the People!