Appreciation from BASF, Bangladesh !
The XXVII IWA Congress declares Bangladesh AnarchoSyndicalist federation –BASF as Section of IWA-AIT. Through this declaration BASF formally Enter into International Revolutionary Solidarity. All member of BASF and its All level supporters expresses their happiness and appreciation to the secretary of IWA and all members of congresses. BASF also expressing its gratefulness to ASF-Australia for their continuous support and assistances for BASF’s capacity building. we know Internationalism is an importantcomponent of Libertarian Communist Movement, based on the principle that working-class people of all countries must unite across national boundaries and actively oppose nationalism and war in order to overthrow capitalism and Satism. it is note that From December 28-30, 2019, the XXVII IWA Congress took place in Melbourne, Australia. This was the first time an IWA Congress took place in this region and we felt that it was significant as sought to reaffirm of IWA commitment to international struggle.
Long Live AnarchoSyndicalism !
Long live ASF /BASF/ IWA-AIT !